Class TireMakeConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TireMakeConfig

    Configuration for scanning Tire Makes

    • Constructor Detail

      • TireMakeConfig

    • Method Detail

      • getMinConfidence

         Integer getMinConfidence()

        Sets a minimum confidence which has to be reached in order to trigger a scan result.

      • setMinConfidence

         void setMinConfidence(Integer minConfidence)

        Sets a minimum confidence which has to be reached in order to trigger a scan result.

      • getValidationRegex

         String getValidationRegex()

        Sets a regular expression which the tire make text needs to match in order to trigger a scan result. E.g. "(Continental|Dunlop)" will only trigger on Continental or Dunlop tires.

      • setValidationRegex

         void setValidationRegex(String validationRegex)

        Sets a regular expression which the tire make text needs to match in order to trigger a scan result. E.g. "(Continental|Dunlop)" will only trigger on Continental or Dunlop tires.