Class AnylineYuvImage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AnylineYuvImage
     implements Cloneable

    A helper class to deal with yuv images. (currently only NV21!!) It helps with conversion to OpenCV Mat and deals with the problem that the camera always returns a landscape image.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      AnylineYuvImage(int format, int width, int height, int targetOrientation) Construct a yuv image with empty data.
      AnylineYuvImage(int format, int width, int height, Array<byte> data, int targetOrientation, boolean isGreyOnly) Construct a yuv image with the given byte data.
      AnylineYuvImage(Image image, int targetOrientation, int cropX, int cropY, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, boolean isGreyOnly) Construct a YUV image from the given image buffer cropped to the given bounds.
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnylineYuvImage

        AnylineYuvImage(int format, int width, int height, int targetOrientation)
        Construct a yuv image with empty data.
        format - the format (currently only NV21 is supported)
        width - the target width of the image
        height - the target height of the image
        targetOrientation - the degree the raw data has to be rotated to be oriented as desired (usually what getCameraDisplayRotation returns)
      • AnylineYuvImage

        AnylineYuvImage(int format, int width, int height, Array<byte> data, int targetOrientation, boolean isGreyOnly)
        Construct a yuv image with the given byte data.
        format - the format (currently only NV21 is supported)
        width - the target width of the image
        height - the target height of the image
        data - the image data in landscape format (like received from the camera)
        targetOrientation - the degree the raw data has to be rotated to be oriented as desired (usually what getCameraDisplayRotation returns)
        isGreyOnly - true if given data only contains the Y component (and therefor is grey only)
      • AnylineYuvImage

        AnylineYuvImage(Image image, int targetOrientation, int cropX, int cropY, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, boolean isGreyOnly)
        Construct a YUV image from the given image buffer cropped to the given bounds.
        image - the image to copy the data from
        targetOrientation - the degree the raw data has to be rotated to be oriented as desired (usually what getCameraDisplayRotation returns)
        cropX - the distance from the left (must be EVEN for color images)
        cropY - the distance from the top (must be EVEN for color images)
        cropWidth - the target width (must be EVEN for color images)
        cropHeight - the target height (must be EVEN for color images)
        isGreyOnly - true if a grey image is desired (faster), false if color is required too
    • Method Detail

      • getTargetWidth

         int getTargetWidth()

        the width (in the target orientation)

      • getTargetHeight

         int getTargetHeight()

        the height (in the target orientation)

      • getOriginalWidth

         int getOriginalWidth()

        original width of the image in the rotation as received from the sensor

      • getOriginalHeight

         int getOriginalHeight()

        original height of the image in the rotation as received from the sensor

      • getData

         Array<byte> getData()

        The image data in the format returned by getFormat.

        Note: if isGreyOnly is true, the format is always Y8 (regardless of what getFormat returns).


        the data in the format returned by getFormat

      • isGreyOnly

         boolean isGreyOnly()

        true if image is grey only (true also means that the format is Y8)

      • getTargetOrientation

         int getTargetOrientation()

        Get the target orientation of the image. (The amount the raw data has to be rotated to be oriented as in the preview)


        the target orientation

      • getFormat

         int getFormat()

        Get the format the image is stored in the byte data (see getData). The format is one of the constants in ImageFormat. (Currently only NV21 or YUV_420_888 are possible here, but more formats may be added in the future)


        the image format used in the byte data (see getData)

      • setTo

         void setTo(@NonNull() Array<byte> data)

        Set the data of this image to the given value. (MUST be of same size as the current data)

        data - the data to set this image to.
      • crop

         AnylineYuvImage crop(int cropX, int cropY, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, boolean isGreyOnly)

        Returns a new image cropped to the given bounds.

        The given sizes must be EVEN for color images, because of how the YUV format stores color information.

        cropX - the distance from the left in the target orientation (must be EVEN for color images)
        cropY - the distance from the top in the target orientation (must be EVEN for color images)
        cropWidth - the crop width in the target orientation (must be EVEN for color images)
        cropHeight - the crop height in the target orientation (must be EVEN for color images)
        isGreyOnly - true if a grey image is desired (faster), false if color is required too

        a new image cropped to the given bounds.