Class FlashConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FlashConfig

    A class used to configure the Flash

    • Constructor Detail

      • FlashConfig

    • Method Detail

      • setOffsetXInDp

         void setOffsetXInDp(int offsetXInDp)

        set x offset for flash alignment

        offsetXInDp - positive values move flash view to right, negative values move it to the left
      • setOffsetYInDp

         void setOffsetYInDp(int offsetYInDp)

        set y offset for flash alignment

        offsetYInDp - positive values move flash view closer to the bottom edge, negative values move it in dircetion of the top edge
      • setPaddingInDp

         void setPaddingInDp(int paddingInDp)

        Set the padding of the flash view in dp

        paddingInDp - the padding in dp
      • setImageOnId

         void setImageOnId(int imageOnId)

        Set the resource id for the ON state of the flash view. The size will be used as is.

        imageOnId - resource id for the ON state
      • setImageOffId

         void setImageOffId(int imageOffId)

        Set the resource id for the OFF state of the flash view. The size will be used as is.

        imageOffId - resource id for the OFF state
      • setImageAutoId

         void setImageAutoId(int imageAutoId)

        Set the resource id for the AUTO state of the flash view. The size will be used as is.

        imageAutoId - resource id for the AUTO state