Class CMSSignedDataParser

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CMSSignedDataParser
    extends CMSContentInfoParser

    Parsing class for an CMS Signed Data object from an input stream.

    Note: that because we are in a streaming mode only one signer can be tried and it is important that the methods on the parser are called in the appropriate order.

    A simple example of usage for an encapsulated signature.

    Two notes: first, in the example below the validity of the certificate isn't verified, just the fact that one of the certs matches the given signer, and, second, because we are in a streaming mode the order of the operations is important.

         CMSSignedDataParser     sp = new CMSSignedDataParser(new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().setProvider("BC").build(), encapSigData);
         Store                   certStore = sp.getCertificates();
         SignerInformationStore  signers = sp.getSignerInfos();
         Collection              c = signers.getSigners();
         Iterator                it = c.iterator();
         while (it.hasNext())
             SignerInformation   signer = (SignerInformation);
             Collection          certCollection = certStore.getMatches(signer.getSID());
             Iterator        certIt = certCollection.iterator();
             X509CertificateHolder cert = (X509CertificateHolder);
             System.out.println("verify returns: " + signer.verify(new JcaSimpleSignerInfoVerifierBuilder().setProvider("BC").build(cert)));
    Note also: this class does not introduce buffering - if you are processing large files you should create the parser with:
             CMSSignedDataParser     ep = new CMSSignedDataParser(new BufferedInputStream(encapSigData, bufSize));
    where bufSize is a suitably large buffer size.
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

         int getVersion()

        Return the version number for the SignedData object


        the version number

      • getCertificates

         Store getCertificates()

        Return any X.509 certificate objects in this SignedData structure as a Store of X509CertificateHolder objects.


        a Store of X509CertificateHolder objects.

      • getCRLs

         Store getCRLs()

        Return any X.509 CRL objects in this SignedData structure as a Store of X509CRLHolder objects.


        a Store of X509CRLHolder objects.

      • getAttributeCertificates

         Store getAttributeCertificates()

        Return any X.509 attribute certificate objects in this SignedData structure as a Store of X509AttributeCertificateHolder objects.


        a Store of X509AttributeCertificateHolder objects.

      • getOtherRevocationInfo

         Store getOtherRevocationInfo(ASN1ObjectIdentifier otherRevocationInfoFormat)

        Return any OtherRevocationInfo OtherRevInfo objects of the type indicated by otherRevocationInfoFormat in this SignedData structure.

        otherRevocationInfoFormat - OID of the format type been looked for.

        a Store of ASN1Encodable objects representing any objects of otherRevocationInfoFormat found.

      • getSignedContentTypeOID

         String getSignedContentTypeOID()

        Return the a string representation of the OID associated with the encapsulated content info structure carried in the signed data.


        the OID for the content type.

      • replaceSigners

         static OutputStream replaceSigners(InputStream original, SignerInformationStore signerInformationStore, OutputStream out)

        Replace the signerinformation store associated with the passed in message contained in the stream original with the new one passed in. You would probably only want to do this if you wanted to change the unsigned attributes associated with a signer, or perhaps delete one.

        The output stream is returned unclosed.

        original - the signed data stream to be used as a base.
        signerInformationStore - the new signer information store to use.
        out - the stream to write the new signed data object to.


      • replaceCertificatesAndCRLs

         static OutputStream replaceCertificatesAndCRLs(InputStream original, Store certs, Store crls, Store attrCerts, OutputStream out)

        Replace the certificate and CRL information associated with this CMSSignedData object with the new one passed in.

        The output stream is returned unclosed.

        original - the signed data stream to be used as a base.
        certs - new certificates to be used, if any.
        crls - new CRLs to be used, if any.
        attrCerts - new attribute certificates to be used, if any.
        out - the stream to write the new signed data object to.
