Interface X500NameStyle

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public interface X500NameStyle

    This interface provides a profile to conform to when DNs are being converted into strings and back. The idea being that we'll be able to deal with the number of standard ways the fields in a DN should be encoded into their ASN.1 counterparts - a number that is rapidly approaching the number of machines on the internet.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • stringToValue

         abstract ASN1Encodable stringToValue(ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid, String value)

        Convert the passed in String value into the appropriate ASN.1 encoded object.

        oid - the OID associated with the value in the DN.
        value - the value of the particular DN component.

        the ASN.1 equivalent for the value.

      • fromString

         abstract Array<RDN> fromString(String dirName)

        Return an array of RDN generated from the passed in String.

        dirName - the String representation.

        an array of corresponding RDNs.

      • areEqual

         abstract boolean areEqual(X500Name name1, X500Name name2)

        Return true if the two names are equal.

        name1 - first name for comparison.
        name2 - second name for comparison.

        true if name1 = name 2, false otherwise.

      • calculateHashCode

         abstract int calculateHashCode(X500Name name)

        Calculate a hashCode for the passed in name.

        name - the name the hashCode is required for.

        the calculated hashCode.

      • toString

         abstract String toString(X500Name name)

        Convert the passed in X500Name to a String.

        name - the name to convert.

        a String representation.

      • oidToDisplayName

         abstract String oidToDisplayName(ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid)

        Return the display name for toString() associated with the OID.

        oid - the OID of interest.

        the name displayed in toString(), null if no mapping provided.

      • oidToAttrNames

         abstract Array<String> oidToAttrNames(ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid)

        Return the acceptable names in a String DN that map to OID.

        oid - the OID of interest.

        an array of String aliases for the OID, zero length if there are none.