Class X509CRLHolder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    io.anyline.nfc.bouncycastle.util.Encodable ,

    public class X509CRLHolder
     implements Encodable, Serializable

    Holding class for an X.509 CRL structure.

    • Constructor Detail

      • X509CRLHolder

        X509CRLHolder(Array<byte> crlEncoding)
        Create a X509CRLHolder from the passed in bytes.
        crlEncoding - BER/DER encoding of the CRL
      • X509CRLHolder

        X509CRLHolder(InputStream crlStream)
        Create a X509CRLHolder from the passed in InputStream.
        crlStream - BER/DER encoded InputStream of the CRL
      • X509CRLHolder

        X509CRLHolder(CertificateList x509CRL)
        Create a X509CRLHolder from the passed in ASN.1 structure.
        x509CRL - an ASN.1 CertificateList structure.
    • Method Detail

      • getExtensions

         Extensions getExtensions()

        Return the extensions block associated with this CRL if there is one.


        the extensions block, null otherwise.

      • getEncoded

         Array<byte> getEncoded()

        Return the ASN.1 encoding of this holder's CRL.


        a DER encoded byte array.

      • getIssuer

         X500Name getIssuer()

        Return the issuer of this holder's CRL.


        the CRL issuer.

      • getRevokedCertificates

         Collection getRevokedCertificates()

        Return a collection of X509CRLEntryHolder objects, giving the details of the revoked certificates that appear on this CRL.


        the revoked certificates as a collection of X509CRLEntryHolder objects.

      • hasExtensions

         boolean hasExtensions()

        Return whether or not the holder's CRL contains extensions.


        true if extension are present, false otherwise.

      • getExtension

         Extension getExtension(ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid)

        Look up the extension associated with the passed in OID.

        oid - the OID of the extension of interest.

        the extension if present, null otherwise.

      • getExtensionOIDs

         List getExtensionOIDs()

        Returns a list of ASN1ObjectIdentifier objects representing the OIDs of the extensions contained in this holder's CRL.


        a list of extension OIDs.

      • getCriticalExtensionOIDs

         Set getCriticalExtensionOIDs()

        Returns a set of ASN1ObjectIdentifier objects representing the OIDs of the critical extensions contained in this holder's CRL.


        a set of critical extension OIDs.

      • getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs

         Set getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs()

        Returns a set of ASN1ObjectIdentifier objects representing the OIDs of the non-critical extensions contained in this holder's CRL.


        a set of non-critical extension OIDs.

      • toASN1Structure

         CertificateList toASN1Structure()

        Return the underlying ASN.1 structure for the CRL in this holder.


        a CertificateList object.

      • isSignatureValid

         boolean isSignatureValid(ContentVerifierProvider verifierProvider)

        Validate the signature on the CRL.

        verifierProvider - a ContentVerifierProvider that can generate a verifier for the signature.

        true if the signature is valid, false otherwise.