Class ProjectContext

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getProjectId() Gets the project Id
      void setProjectId(String projectId) Sets the project Id
      String getApiKey() Gets the API key that is used to authenticate
      void setApiKey(String apiKey) Sets the API key that is used to authenticate
      • Methods inherited from class io.anyline2.legacy.trainer.AssetContext

        getAnylineVersion, getAssetId, getAssetVersion, getConfigCacheDirectory, getParameter, getPluginId, getStage, getTokenCacheDirectory, setParameter, toJSONObject
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProjectContext

        ProjectContext(Context context, String pluginId, String projectId, String apiKey)
        Creates a new ProjectContext for a given ProjectID plus ApiKey
        context - Application context
        projectId - project Id to be set
        apiKey - API key to be set
      • ProjectContext

        ProjectContext(Context context, String pluginId, String projectId, String apiKey, String assetId)
        Creates a new ProjectContext for a given ProjectID plus ApiKey with a specific asset Id
        context - Application context
        projectId - project Id to be set
        apiKey - API key to be set
        assetId - asset Id to be set
      • ProjectContext

        ProjectContext(Context context, String pluginId, String projectId, String apiKey, Version assetVersion)
        Creates a new ProjectContext for a given ProjectID plus ApiKey with a specific Version
        context - Application context
        pluginId - plugin Id
        projectId - project Id to be set
        apiKey - API key to be set
        assetVersion - asset version to be set
      • ProjectContext

        ProjectContext(Context context, String pluginId, String projectId, String apiKey, Version assetVersion, String stage)
        Creates a new ProjectContext for a given ProjectID plus ApiKey with a specific asset version on a specific Stage
        context - Application context
        pluginId - plugin id
        projectId - project Id to be set
        apiKey - API key to be set
        assetVersion - asset version to be set
        stage - stage to be set
      • ProjectContext

        ProjectContext(Context context, JSONObject jsonObject)
        Creates a new AssetContext from a JSON object
        context - Application context
        jsonObject - JSON object to be parsed
    • Method Detail

      • setProjectId

         void setProjectId(String projectId)

        Sets the project Id

        projectId - project Id to be set
      • getApiKey

         String getApiKey()

        Gets the API key that is used to authenticate


        api key

      • setApiKey

         void setApiKey(String apiKey)

        Sets the API key that is used to authenticate

        apiKey - api key to be set