See: Description
Enum Summary Enum Description FocusMode Helper enum for the focus mode to abstract away the differences in camera API 1 and 2 SceneMode Helper enum for the scene mode to abstract away the differences in camera API 1 and 2 OutputFormat Helper enum to be able to get a string representation of the output format. LensFacing Helper enum for the lens facing direction to abstract away the differences in camera API 1 and 2 AspectRatio Mode CameraOrientation Helper enum to be able to get the back camera orientation -
Class Summary Class Description FpsRange Helper class for the FPS ranges to abstract away the differences in camera API 1 and 2 CameraFeatures A class to hold information about the supported features of a camera. ImageReceiver A helper class for receiving images. NativeBarcodeFormatToAnylineBarcodeFormatMapper CameraView AbstractZoomHandler CameraFeatures1 Class to hold available features for the camera api 1 NativeBarcodeDetector CameraSize Helper class used to abstract the camera size attributes for api1 and api2 SimpleZoomHandlerBuilder Builder A builder to create a FocusConfig FocusConfig A class for configuring the focus settings. CameraUtil SimpleZoomHandler CameraPermissionHelper Helper class to handle Android 6 (API >23) Runtime Camera Permissions. CameraController Class to abstract away camera api 1 and 2 differences. FaceDetector CameraConfig Class to specify desired settings and to hold the actual used settings for the camera. CameraController1 Camera controller implementation for camera API 1 AbstractMlKitDetector -
Interface Summary Interface Description HighResolutionImageListener A Listener for taken photos via takeHighResolutionImage() method. CameraOpenListener A listener for Camera opening events. IZoomHandlerListener ZoomEventHandler HighResolutionImageProvider An interface for providing a single picture. FlashControl An interface that should be implemented on Views that control the flash. CameraControllerListener NativeBarcodeResultListener FaceDetectionResultHandler ImageListener A listener that can be set to a camera view to be able to receive images from it.