Class ProductContext

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Product getProduct() Gets the product
      • Methods inherited from class io.anyline2.legacy.trainer.AssetContext

        getAnylineVersion, getAssetId, getAssetVersion, getConfigCacheDirectory, getParameter, getPluginId, getStage, getTokenCacheDirectory, setParameter, toJSONObject
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductContext

        ProductContext(Context context, String pluginId, Product product)
        Gets or sets the product name that is used to fetch the proper assets
        context - Application context
        pluginId - plugin Id
        product - Product that assets should be fetched for
      • ProductContext

        ProductContext(Context context, String pluginId, Product product, String assetId)
        Creates a new ProductContext for a given Product with a specific asset Id
        context - Application context
        pluginId - plugin Id
        product - Product that assets should be fetched for
        assetId - Asset Id of the Product
      • ProductContext

        ProductContext(Context context, String pluginId, Product product, Version assetVersion)
        Creates a new ProductContext for a given Product with a specific asset version on a specific Stage.
        context - Application context
        pluginId - plugin Id
        product - Product that assets should be fetched for
        assetVersion - asset Version
      • ProductContext

        ProductContext(Context context, String pluginId, Product product, Version assetVersion, String stage)
        Creates a new ProductContext for a given Product with a specific asset version on a specific Stage.
        context - Application context
        pluginId - plugin Id
        product - Product that assets should be fetched for
        assetVersion - asset Version
        stage - stage - set this to null to use the default stage
      • ProductContext

        ProductContext(Context context, JSONObject jsonObject)
        Creates a new ProductContext from a JSON object
        context - Application context
        jsonObject - JSON Object to be parsed
    • Method Detail

      • getProduct

         Product getProduct()

        Gets the product


        product of current ProductContext