Package io.anyline.plugin.config
See: Description
Enum Summary Enum Description ScanMode Specifies a country or location of which license plates shall be scanned. VehicleInspectionSticker Select if the visual inspection sticker should be scanned. UpsideDownMode Sets whether the text shall also be scanned upside-down. ScanMode Sets whether to scan single-line texts, multi-line texts in a grid-formation or finds text automatically. ImageScaleType Sets the image scale type. TextAlignment Sets the text alignment. Alignment The alignment of the flash button. Mode The flash mode. Alphabet Sets a specific character set. ScanOption The scanOption determines whether a field is considered optional, mandatory, disabled or follows a default behavior. UpsideDownMode Sets whether the text shall also be scanned upside-down. OverlayAnchorConfig OverlayAnchorConfig Sets the anchor of the overlay relative to the source defined in the overlaySource. OverlaySource Sets the source of the overlay. OverlayScaleTypeConfig OverlayScaleTypeConfig Sets the scale type of the overlay. Animation The animation style of the feedback. Style The style of the feedback. Type Sets the preset definition type. BarcodeFormat MrzScanOption The mrzScanOption determines whether a field is considered optional, mandatory, disabled or follows a default behavior. ScanMode Determines if container numbers shall be scanned horizontally or vertically. ScanMode Determines which types of meters to scan. ScanOption The scanOption determines whether a field is considered optional, mandatory, disabled or follows a default behavior. ElementType Sets the view type of the element. ScanOption The scanOption determines whether a field is considered optional, mandatory, disabled or follows a default behavior. Alignment The alignment of the cutout area. Animation Animation type for the cutout when initially displayed. ProcessingMode The processing mode of the workflow (parallel, sequential, parallelFirstScan). UpsideDownMode Sets whether the text shall also be scanned upside-down. ScanMode Sets the mode to scan universal TIN numbers ('UNIVERSAL') or TIN numbers of any length starting with DOT ('DOT'). UpsideDownMode Sets whether the text shall also be scanned upside-down. ElementType Sets the preset definition attribute element type. -
Class Summary Class Description LicensePlateConfig Configuration for scanning license plates TireMakeConfig Configuration for scanning Tire Makes OcrConfig Configuration for general OCR scanning use-cases VinConfig Configuration for scanning vehicle identification numbers (VIN) UIFeedbackElementAttributesConfig UIFeedbackElementAttributesConfig Configuration attributes for UI Feedback view elements UIFeedbackElementTriggerWhenScanInfoConfig UIFeedbackElementTriggerWhenScanInfoConfig Configuration for triggering UI Feedback on ScanInfo events MrzConfig Configuration for scanning machine-readable zones (MRZ) of passports and other IDs FlashConfig Schema for SDK Flash Configuration OdometerConfig Configuration for scanning odometers UniversalIdConfig Configuration for scanning all kinds of identification documents UIFeedbackPresetConfig UIFeedbackPresetConfig Configuration for uiFeedback preset. VehicleRegistrationCertificateField Configures scanning options per field UIFeedbackElementTriggerRunSkippedConfig UIFeedbackElementTriggerRunSkippedConfig Configuration for triggering UI Feedback on RunSkipped events UIFeedbackElementTriggerScanInfoConfig UIFeedbackElementTriggerScanInfoConfig Configuration for triggering UI Feedback on ScanInfo events BarcodeConfig Configuration for scanning barcodes ScanViewAttributesConfig ScanView Attributes Config Schema for ScanView JSON attributes config Offset An optional offset (in dp) for the elements. UIFeedbackPresetContentConfig UIFeedbackPresetContentConfig Configuration for uiFeedback preset content definition. AllowedLayouts Specifies the document types to be scanned and optionally further specifies which types of layout are scanned per type. CommercialTireIdConfig Configuration for scanning commercial Tire IDs UIFeedbackPresetAttributeConfig UIFeedbackPresetAttributeConfig Configuration for uiFeedback preset attribute. OverlayConfig OverlayConfig Configuration for UI Feedback overlays UIFeedbackElementTriggerConfig UIFeedbackElementTriggerConfig Trigger configuration for UI Feedback OverlayScaleConfig OverlayScaleConfig Configuration for UI Feedback overlays RatioFromSize A size constraining the ratio of width / height. ScanFeedbackConfig Schema for SDK ScanFeedback Configuration ScanViewInitializationParameters ScanView Initialization Parameters Schema for ScanView JSON initialization parameters LayoutInsuranceCard Contains all the supported field scan options for insurance cards. UIFeedbackPresetDefinitionConfig UIFeedbackPresetDefinitionConfig Configuration for uiFeedback preset definition. LayoutMrz layoutMrz Contains all the supported field scan options for MRZ. MrzMinFieldConfidences The minFieldConfidences configure which fields must reach which confidence thresholds in order to be part of the scan result. Sfdc MrzFieldScanOptions The fieldmrzScanOptions configure which text fields shall be captured mandatory, optional or not at all. LayoutIdFront Contains all the supported field scan options for ID front cards. LayoutVehicleRegistrationCertificate Contains all the supported field scan options for vehicle registration certificates. UIFeedbackElementContentConfig UIFeedbackElementContentConfig Configuration for UI Feedback content LayoutDrivingLicense Contains all the supported field scan options for driving licenses. ContainerConfig Configuration for scanning shipping container numbers ViewPluginConfig Schema for SDK ViewPlugin Configuration PluginConfig PluginConfig General configuration for scan plugins MeterConfig Configuration for scanning meters UniversalIdField Configures scanning options for ID fields in order to fine-tune the ID scanner. Options UIFeedbackElementConfig UIFeedbackElementConfig Configuration for uiFeedback element JapaneseLandingPermissionConfigFieldOption Field option for JLP fields ViewPlugin VehicleRegistrationCertificateConfig Configuration for scanning Vehicle Registration Certificates Demo Data contained within the QR code that's required to unlock scanning with the Showcase Apps. OverlayDimensionConfig OverlayDimensionConfig Sets the dimension of the overlay. UIFeedbackConfig UIFeedbackConfig General configuration for UI Feedback elements StartVariable Describes a start variable for fine-tuning plugins. UIFeedbackElementTriggerWhenRunSkippedConfig UIFeedbackElementTriggerWhenRunSkippedConfig Configuration for triggering UI Feedback on RunSkipped events JapaneseLandingPermissionConfig Configuration for scanning japanese landing permission tickets CameraConfig Schema for SDK Camera Configuration CutoutConfig Schema for SDK Cutout Configuration ViewPluginCompositeConfig Schema for SDK ViewPlugin Configuration ScanViewConfiguration ScanView Configuration Schema for SDK JSON configurations TireSizeConfig Configuration for scanning Tire Size Specifications TinConfig Configuration for scanning TIN numbers UIFeedbackPresetDefinitionAttributeConfig UIFeedbackPresetDefinitionAttributeConfig Configuration for uiFeedback preset definition attribute.