ALBarcodeConfig Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in ALPluginConfig.h


Configuration for scanning barcodes


Set this to filter which barcode formats should be scanned. Setting ‘ALL’ will enable scanning all supported formats.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray<ALBarcodeFormat*> *barcodeFormats

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If this option is set, allows consecutive barcode results of the same barcode when scanning continuously.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, strong) NSNumber *consecutiveEqualResults

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Sets whether or not to disable advanced barcode scanning even if the license supports it.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, strong) NSNumber *disableAdvancedBarcode

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Setting this to ‘true’ will enable reading multiple barcodes per frame.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, strong) NSNumber *multiBarcode

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If this option is set, barcodes parsed according to the AAMVA standard. This only works for PDF417 codes on driving licenses.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, strong) NSNumber *parseAAMVA

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