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KANSAS - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
KeccakDigest - class in io.anyline.nfc.bouncycastle.crypto.digests
implementation of Keccak based on following KeccakNISTInterface.c from https://keccak.noekeon.
KEEP_RATIO - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.OverlayScaleConfig.OverlayScaleTypeConfig
KENTUCKY - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
keyboardNavigationClusterSearch(android.view.View,int) - function in android.view.View
KeyParameter - class in io.anyline.nfc.bouncycastle.crypto.params
keySet() - function in java.util.AbstractMap
KISAObjectIdentifiers - class in io.anyline.nfc.bouncycastle.asn1.kisa
Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) ({iso(1) member-body(2) kr(410) kisa(200004)}) See RFC 4010 Use of the SEED Encryption Algorithm in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS), and RFC 4269 The SEED Encryption Algorithm
KITT - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.ScanFeedbackConfig.Animation
KIX - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
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