Class BarcodeConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BarcodeConfig

    Configuration for scanning barcodes

    • Constructor Detail

      • BarcodeConfig

    • Method Detail

      • getMultiBarcode

         Boolean getMultiBarcode()

        Setting this to 'true' will enable reading multiple barcodes per frame.

      • setMultiBarcode

         void setMultiBarcode(Boolean multiBarcode)

        Setting this to 'true' will enable reading multiple barcodes per frame.

      • getParseAAMVA

         Boolean getParseAAMVA()

        If this option is set, barcodes parsed according to the AAMVA standard. This only works for PDF417 codes on driving licenses.

      • setParseAAMVA

         void setParseAAMVA(Boolean parseAAMVA)

        If this option is set, barcodes parsed according to the AAMVA standard. This only works for PDF417 codes on driving licenses.

      • getConsecutiveEqualResults

         Boolean getConsecutiveEqualResults()

        If this option is set, allows consecutive barcode results of the same barcode when scanning continuously.

      • setConsecutiveEqualResults

         void setConsecutiveEqualResults(Boolean consecutiveEqualResults)

        If this option is set, allows consecutive barcode results of the same barcode when scanning continuously.

      • setDisableAdvancedBarcode

         void setDisableAdvancedBarcode(Boolean disableAdvancedBarcode)

        Sets whether or not to disable advanced barcode scanning even if the license supports it.

      • getBarcodeFormats

         List<BarcodeFormat> getBarcodeFormats()

        Set this to filter which barcode formats should be scanned. Setting 'ALL' will enable scanning all supported formats. (Required)

      • setBarcodeFormats

         void setBarcodeFormats(List<BarcodeFormat> barcodeFormats)

        Set this to filter which barcode formats should be scanned. Setting 'ALL' will enable scanning all supported formats. (Required)