Class AssetContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AssetContext

    This class holds contextual information to connect to Anyline Trainer projects.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AssetContext

        AssetContext(Context context, String pluginId, String assetId)
        Creates a new AssetContext for a specific plugin Id
        pluginId - plugin Id
        assetId - asset Id
      • AssetContext

        AssetContext(Context context, String pluginId, Version assetVersion)
        Creates a new AssetContext for a specific plugin Id
        pluginId - asset Id
        assetVersion - asset version
      • AssetContext

        AssetContext(Context context, String pluginId, Version assetVersion, String stage)
        Creates a new AssetContext for a specific asset version on a specific stage
        pluginId - plugin Id
        assetVersion - asset version
        stage - project stage
      • AssetContext

        AssetContext(Context context, JSONObject jsonObject)
        Creates a new AssetContext from a JSON object
        context - Application context
        jsonObject - JSON object to be parsed