Class CutoutConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CutoutConfig
     implements Serializable

    Schema for SDK Cutout Configuration

    • Constructor Detail

      • CutoutConfig

    • Method Detail

      • getWidth

         Integer getWidth()

        The preferred width in pixels, relating to the camera resolution. If not specified or 0, the maximum possible width will be chosen.

      • setWidth

         void setWidth(Integer width)

        The preferred width in pixels, relating to the camera resolution. If not specified or 0, the maximum possible width will be chosen.

      • getMaxWidthPercent

         String getMaxWidthPercent()

        The maximum width in percent (0-100), relating to the size of the view.

      • setMaxWidthPercent

         void setMaxWidthPercent(String maxWidthPercent)

        The maximum width in percent (0-100), relating to the size of the view.

      • setMaxHeightPercent

         void setMaxHeightPercent(String maxHeightPercent)

        The maximum height in percent (0-100), relating to the size of the view.

      • getRatioFromSize

         RatioFromSize getRatioFromSize()

        A size constraining the ratio of width / height. If set to 0, the ratio will be equal to the full frame. For the optimal ratio for each technical capability have a look at the Technical Capabilities section at

      • setRatioFromSize

         void setRatioFromSize(RatioFromSize ratioFromSize)

        A size constraining the ratio of width / height. If set to 0, the ratio will be equal to the full frame. For the optimal ratio for each technical capability have a look at the Technical Capabilities section at

      • getStrokeWidth

         Integer getStrokeWidth()

        The stroke width of the cutout. If set to 0, the line will be invisible.

      • setStrokeWidth

         void setStrokeWidth(Integer strokeWidth)

        The stroke width of the cutout. If set to 0, the line will be invisible.

      • getStrokeColor

         String getStrokeColor()

        The hex string (RRGGBB) of the stroke color. (e.g. 00CCFF).

      • setStrokeColor

         void setStrokeColor(String strokeColor)

        The hex string (RRGGBB) of the stroke color. (e.g. 00CCFF).

      • setFeedbackStrokeColor

         void setFeedbackStrokeColor(String feedbackStrokeColor)

        The hex string (RRGGBB) of the stroke color for visual feedback. (e.g. 00CCFF).

      • getOuterColor

         String getOuterColor()

        Background color as a 6-digit (RRGGBB) or 8-digit (AARRGGBB) hex string.

      • setOuterColor

         void setOuterColor(String outerColor)

        Background color as a 6-digit (RRGGBB) or 8-digit (AARRGGBB) hex string.

      • getOuterAlpha

         Double getOuterAlpha()

        Optional transparency factor for the outer color (0.0 - 1.0).

      • setOuterAlpha

         void setOuterAlpha(Double outerAlpha)

        Optional transparency factor for the outer color (0.0 - 1.0).

      • getOffset

         Offset getOffset()

        An optional offset (in dp) for the elements.

      • setOffset

         void setOffset(Offset offset)

        An optional offset (in dp) for the elements.

      • setCropPadding

         void setCropPadding(Offset cropPadding)

        An optional offset (in dp) for the elements.

      • setCropOffset

         void setCropOffset(Offset cropOffset)

        An optional offset (in dp) for the elements.