
actual object Companion
expect object Companion
actual object Companion


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Check the SDK is initialized.

Check if the SDK is initialized.

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actual val sdkVersion: String
expect val sdkVersion: String

The SDK Version.

actual val sdkVersion: String


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fun AnylineTireTreadSdk.Companion.abortScan(measurementUuid: String, onResponse: (Response<MeasurementInfo>) -> Unit = {})
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fun AnylineTireTreadSdk.Companion.getHeatmap(measurementUuid: String, timeoutSeconds: Int = 60, onResponse: (Response<Heatmap>) -> Unit = {})

Request the Heatmap for the specified Measurement. This function is blocking and should only be call on a background thread.

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fun AnylineTireTreadSdk.Companion.getTreadDepthReportResult(measurementUuid: String, timeoutSeconds: Int = 60, onResponse: (Response<TreadDepthResult>) -> Unit = {})

Request results for the specified Measurement. This function is blocking and should only be call on a background thread.

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expect fun init(licenseKey: String, context: AppContext)

Initialize the SDK.

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Sends a request with given UUID and comment and returns the result via the callback. When the operation is successful, the callback returns a Response.Success containing a MeasurementInfo. If the operation fails, the callback instead returns a Response.Error.

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fun AnylineTireTreadSdk.Companion.sendTireIdFeedback(measurementUuid: String, tireId: String, onResponse: (Response<MeasurementInfo>) -> Unit = {})
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