- CacheConfig - class in io.anyline2
- CacheConfig.Preset - class in io.anyline2.CacheConfig
- CacheConfig.Preset.Default - class in io.anyline2.CacheConfig.Preset
- CacheConfig.Preset.OfflineLicenseEventCachingEnabled - class in io.anyline2.CacheConfig.Preset
- calcCutOutAndImageCropBounds(int,int,int,int,float) - function in io.anyline2.view.CutoutRect
- CALIFORNIA - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
- callAutoFocus() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraController
- Call auto focus.
- callAutoFocus() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraController1
- Call auto focus.
- callAutoFocus() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraView
- Call auto focus.
- callOnClick() - function in android.view.View
- CameraConfig - class in io.anyline.plugin.config
- Schema for SDK Camera Configuration
- CameraConfig - class in io.anyline2.camera
- Class to specify desired settings and to hold the actual used settings for the camera.
- CameraConfigExtensionKt - class in io.anyline2.sdk.extension
- CameraController - class in io.anyline2.camera
- Class to abstract away camera api 1 and 2 differences.
- CameraController.CameraControllerListener - class in io.anyline2.camera.CameraController
- CameraController.CameraOrientation - class in io.anyline2.camera.CameraController
- Helper enum to be able to get the back camera orientation
- CameraController1 - class in io.anyline2.camera
- Camera controller implementation for camera API 1
- CameraFeatures - class in io.anyline2.camera
- A class to hold information about the supported features of a camera.
- CameraFeatures.FocusMode - class in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- Helper enum for the focus mode to abstract away the differences in camera API 1 and 2
- CameraFeatures.FpsRange - class in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- Helper class for the FPS ranges to abstract away the differences in camera API 1 and 2
- CameraFeatures.LensFacing - class in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- Helper enum for the lens facing direction to abstract away the differences in camera API 1 and 2
- CameraFeatures.OutputFormat - class in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- Helper enum to be able to get a string representation of the output format.
- CameraFeatures.SceneMode - class in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- Helper enum for the scene mode to abstract away the differences in camera API 1 and 2
- CameraFeatures1 - class in io.anyline2.camera
- Class to hold available features for the camera api 1
- CameraOpenListener - class in io.anyline2.camera
- A listener for Camera opening events.
- CameraPermissionHelper - class in io.anyline2.camera
- Helper class to handle Android 6 (API >23) Runtime Camera Permissions.
- CameraSize - class in io.anyline2.camera
- Helper class used to abstract the camera size attributes for api1 and api2
- CameraUtil - class in io.anyline2.camera
- CameraUtil.AspectRatio - class in io.anyline2.camera.CameraUtil
- CameraView - class in io.anyline2.camera
- cancel() - function in io.anyline2.core.AssetService
- cancel() - function in io.anyline2.core.ScanController
- cancelDragAndDrop() - function in android.view.View
- cancelLongPress() - function in android.view.View
- cancelPendingInputEvents() - function in android.view.View
- cancelUpdate() - function in io.anyline2.legacy.products.AnylineUpdater
- cancelUpdate() - function in io.anyline2.legacy.trainer.AssetController
- Cancel an ongoing update
- CANDLELIGHT - enum entry in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures.SceneMode
- canResolveLayoutDirection() - function in android.view.View
- canResolveTextAlignment() - function in android.view.View
- canResolveTextDirection() - function in android.view.View
- canScrollHorizontally(int) - function in android.view.View
- canScrollVertically(int) - function in android.view.View
- capacity() - function in io.anyline2.core.VectorOfChar
- capacity() - function in io.anyline2.core.VectorOfString
- CENTER - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.CutoutConfig.Alignment
- CENTER - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.OverlayConfig.OverlayAnchorConfig
- CENTER - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.UIFeedbackElementAttributesConfig.ImageScaleType
- CENTER - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.UIFeedbackElementAttributesConfig.TextAlignment
- CENTER - enum entry in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.XAnchor
- CENTER - enum entry in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.YAnchor
- CENTER_CROP - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.UIFeedbackElementAttributesConfig.ImageScaleType
- CENTER_LEFT - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.OverlayConfig.OverlayAnchorConfig
- CENTER_RIGHT - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.OverlayConfig.OverlayAnchorConfig
- checkForUpdates() - function in io.anyline2.core.AssetService
- checkForUpdates() - function in io.anyline2.legacy.trainer.AssetController
- Checks whether asset updates are available
- checkInputConnectionProxy(android.view.View) - function in android.view.View
- childDrawableStateChanged(android.view.View) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- childHasTransientStateChanged(android.view.View,boolean) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- children() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ScanViewPlugin
- children() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ViewPluginBase
- children() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ViewPluginComposite
- clear() - function in io.anyline2.core.MapOfStringVectorString
- clear() - function in io.anyline2.core.UnorderedMapStringString
- clear() - function in io.anyline2.core.VectorOfChar
- clear() - function in io.anyline2.core.VectorOfString
- clearAnimation() - function in android.view.View
- clearChildFocus(android.view.View) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- clearColorFilter() - function in android.widget.ImageView
- clearDisappearingChildren() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- clearFocus() - function in android.view.View
- clearFocus() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- clearViewTranslationCallback() - function in android.view.View
- CLOCKWISE_180_DEGREES - enum entry in io.anyline2.camera.CameraController.CameraOrientation
- CLOCKWISE_270_DEGREES - enum entry in io.anyline2.camera.CameraController.CameraOrientation
- CLOCKWISE_90_DEGREES - enum entry in io.anyline2.camera.CameraController.CameraOrientation
- clone() - function in io.anyline2.model.AnylineImage
- clone() - function in io.anyline2.model.AnylineYuvImage
- CODABAR - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- CODE_11 - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- CODE_128 - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- CODE_32 - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- CODE_39 - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- CODE_93 - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- COLORADO - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
- combineMeasuredStates(int,int) - function in android.view.View
- COMMERCIAL_TIRE_ID - enum entry in io.anyline2.core.ScanController.ResultType
- COMMERCIAL_TIRE_ID - enum entry in io.anyline2.legacy.products.Product
- CommercialTireIdConfig - class in io.anyline.plugin.config
- Configuration for scanning commercial Tire IDs
- CommercialTireIdConfig.UpsideDownMode - class in io.anyline.plugin.config.CommercialTireIdConfig
- Sets whether the text shall also be scanned upside-down.
- CommercialTireIdResult - class in io.anyline.plugin.result
- Describes result information of scanning commercial tire IDs
- compare(io.anyline2.core.Version) - function in io.anyline2.core.Version
- compute(K,java.util.function.BiFunction) - function in java.util.Map
- computeIfAbsent(K,java.util.function.Function) - function in java.util.Map
- computeIfPresent(K,java.util.function.BiFunction) - function in java.util.Map
- computeScroll() - function in android.view.View
- computeSystemWindowInsets(android.view.WindowInsets,android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
- CONNECTICUT - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
- ConstantUtil - class in io.anyline2.legacy.util
- Created by lorena on 03.05.18.
- CONTAINER - enum entry in io.anyline2.core.ScanController.ResultType
- CONTAINER - enum entry in io.anyline2.legacy.products.Product
- CONTAINER_VERTICAL - enum entry in io.anyline2.legacy.products.Product
- ContainerConfig - class in io.anyline.plugin.config
- Configuration for scanning shipping container numbers
- ContainerConfig.ScanMode - class in io.anyline.plugin.config.ContainerConfig
- Determines if container numbers shall be scanned horizontally or vertically.
- ContainerResult - class in io.anyline.plugin.result
- Describes result information of scanning shipping containers
- contains(Object) - function in java.util.AbstractCollection
- containsAll(java.util.Collection) - function in java.util.AbstractCollection
- containsKey(Object) - function in io.anyline2.core.MapOfStringVectorString
- containsKey(Object) - function in io.anyline2.core.UnorderedMapStringString
- containsValue(Object) - function in java.util.AbstractMap
- ContextProvider - class in io.anyline2.di.context
- ContextUtils - class in io.anyline2
- Temporary class for accessing package names and versions until a proper implementation is added.
- CONTINUOUS_PICTURE - enum entry in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures.FocusMode
- CONTINUOUS_VIDEO - enum entry in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures.FocusMode
- CONTOUR_POINT - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.ScanFeedbackConfig.Style
- CONTOUR_RECT - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.ScanFeedbackConfig.Style
- CONTOUR_UNDERLINE - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.ScanFeedbackConfig.Style
- copy() - function in io.anyline2.image.AnylineImage
- copyAllAssetFiles(android.content.Context,kotlin.Array) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- copyAnylineAssets(android.content.Context,org.json.JSONObject,java.lang.String,java.io.File,boolean) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- Copy the assets of the given map listed in the given json object (must be a map with filename relative to assets as the key and the sha sum of the file as value) to the given directory.
- copyAssetFile(android.content.Context,java.lang.String,java.io.File,boolean) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- Copy the asset file specified by path to given directory.
- copyAssetFile(android.content.Context,java.lang.String,java.io.File,boolean,java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- copyAssetFile(android.content.Context,java.lang.String,java.io.File,java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- Copy the asset file specified by path to given directory.
- copyAssetFile(android.content.Context,java.lang.String,java.io.File,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- copyAssetFileWithoutPath(android.content.Context,java.lang.String,java.io.File,boolean) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- Copy the asset file specified by path directly to the given directory (without the relative path of the asset).
- copyAssetFileWithoutPath(android.content.Context,java.lang.String,java.io.File,java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- Copy the asset file specified by path directly to the given directory (without the relative path of the asset).
- copyDirectory(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.anyline2.legacy.util.AssetUtil
- Copy a whole directory to another location.
- copyOf(java.util.Collection) - function in java.util.List
- copyOf(java.util.Map) - function in java.util.Map
- Cordova - enum entry in io.anyline2.WrapperInfo.WrapperType
- cornerRadius(io.anyline.plugin.config.CutoutConfig) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.CutoutConfigExtensionKt
- cornerRadius(io.anyline.plugin.config.ScanFeedbackConfig) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.ScanFeedbackConfigExtensionKt
- CorrectedResultReporting - class in io.anyline2
- CorrectedResultReporting.Factory - class in io.anyline2.CorrectedResultReporting
- CorrectedResultReportingImpl - class in io.anyline2
- COUPON - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- createAccessibilityNodeInfo() - function in android.view.View
- createBackup() - function in io.anyline2.legacy.trainer.AssetController
- Creates a backup of the current assets
- createContextMenu(android.view.ContextMenu) - function in android.view.View
- createJSONFromAppEnvironment(io.anyline2.AppEnvironment) - function in io.anyline2.JsonParser
- createJSONFromMap(java.util.Map) - function in io.anyline2.JsonParser
- createJSONFromString(java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.JsonParser
- createUUID() - function in io.anyline2.ManagesUUID
- createUUID() - function in io.anyline2.ManagesUUIDImpl
- CROATIA - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.LicensePlateConfig.ScanMode
- crop(int,int,int,int) - function in io.anyline2.core.AnylineImage
- crop(io.anyline.plugin.result.CropRect) - function in io.anyline2.image.AnylineImage
- crop(int,int,int,int,boolean) - function in io.anyline2.model.AnylineYuvImage
- Returns a new image cropped to the given bounds.
- cropOffset(io.anyline.plugin.config.CutoutConfig) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.CutoutConfigExtensionKt
- cropPadding(io.anyline.plugin.config.CutoutConfig) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.CutoutConfigExtensionKt
- CropRect - class in io.anyline.plugin.result
- The rect information of the region that was processed within the image
- CUTOUT - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.OverlayConfig.OverlaySource
- CutoutConfig - class in io.anyline.plugin.config
- Schema for SDK Cutout Configuration
- CutoutConfig.Alignment - class in io.anyline.plugin.config.CutoutConfig
- The alignment of the cutout area.
- CutoutConfig.Animation - class in io.anyline.plugin.config.CutoutConfig
- Animation type for the cutout when initially displayed.
- CutoutConfigExtensionKt - class in io.anyline2.sdk.extension
- CutoutRect - class in io.anyline2.view
- CYPRUS - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.LicensePlateConfig.ScanMode
- CYRILLIC - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.UniversalIdConfig.Alphabet
- Cyrillic - class in io.anyline.plugin.result
- The text parameters
- CZECH - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.LicensePlateConfig.ScanMode