- IAnylineUpdateDelegate - class in io.anyline2.legacy.products
- IAssetDelegate - class in io.anyline2.legacy.trainer
- ICELAND - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.LicensePlateConfig.ScanMode
- ID - enum entry in io.anyline2.core.ScanController.PluginType
- ID - enum entry in io.anyline2.core.ScanController.ResultType
- id() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ScanViewPlugin
- id() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ViewPluginBase
- id() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ViewPluginComposite
- IDAHO - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
- IdResult - class in io.anyline.plugin.result
- IdResult Yields field information of the ID
- ILLINOIS - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
- IMAGE - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.UIFeedbackElementConfig.ElementType
- Image - enum entry in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ar.OverlayReference
- imageAutoId(io.anyline.plugin.config.FlashConfig,android.content.Context) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.FlashConfigExtensionKt
- ImageListener - class in io.anyline2.camera
- A listener that can be set to a camera view to be able to receive images from it.
- imageOffId(io.anyline.plugin.config.FlashConfig,android.content.Context) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.FlashConfigExtensionKt
- imageOnId(io.anyline.plugin.config.FlashConfig,android.content.Context) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.FlashConfigExtensionKt
- ImageProvider - class in io.anyline2.image
- ImageProvider.Factory - class in io.anyline2.image.ImageProvider
- ImageReceiver - class in io.anyline2.camera
- A helper class for receiving images.
- ImageUtil - class in io.anyline2.util
- indexOf(Object) - function in java.util.AbstractList
- indexOfChild(android.view.View) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- INDIANA - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
- INFINITY - enum entry in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures.FocusMode
- inflate(android.content.Context,int,android.view.ViewGroup) - function in android.view.View
- Info - enum entry in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ar.uiFeedback.UIFeedbackOverlayInfoEntry.Level
- init(java.lang.String,android.content.Context,java.lang.String,io.anyline2.CacheConfig.Preset,io.anyline2.WrapperConfig) - function in io.anyline2.AnylineSdk
- init(java.lang.String,android.content.Context,java.lang.String,io.anyline2.CacheConfig.Preset) - function in io.anyline2.AnylineSdk
- init(java.lang.String,android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.AnylineSdk
- init(java.lang.String,android.content.Context) - function in io.anyline2.AnylineSdk
- init(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,io.anyline2.core.NetworkInterface,java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.core.LicenseCheck
- init(io.anyline2.legacy.trainer.AssetContext,int) - function in io.anyline2.view.ScanView
- init(java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.view.ScanView
- Initializes the ScanView with the file path to a JSON config file.
- init(java.lang.String,io.anyline.plugin.config.ScanViewInitializationParameters) - function in io.anyline2.view.ScanView
- Initializes the ScanView with the file path to a JSON config file and ScanViewInitializationParameters.
- init(org.json.JSONObject) - function in io.anyline2.view.ScanView
- Initializes the ScanView with a config JSONObject.
- init(org.json.JSONObject,io.anyline.plugin.config.ScanViewInitializationParameters) - function in io.anyline2.view.ScanView
- Initializes the ScanView with a config JSONObject.
- initCause(java.lang.Throwable) - function in java.lang.Throwable
- initialize(io.anyline2.core.NetworkInterface,boolean) - function in io.anyline2.core.MonitoringController
- initWithJsonString(java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.core.AppEnvironment
- INT - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.UIFeedbackPresetDefinitionAttributeConfig.ElementType
- invalidate(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
- invalidate() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ar.BaseOverlayView
- invalidate() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ar.BaseOverlayView
- invalidateChild(android.view.View,android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- invalidateChildInParent(kotlin.Array,android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- invalidateDrawable(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) - function in android.view.View
- invalidateDrawable(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) - function in android.widget.ImageView
- invalidateOutline() - function in android.view.View
- io.anyline.plugin.config - package io.anyline.plugin.config
- io.anyline.plugin.result - package io.anyline.plugin.result
- io.anyline2 - package io.anyline2
- io.anyline2.camera - package io.anyline2.camera
- io.anyline2.core - package io.anyline2.core
- io.anyline2.di - package io.anyline2.di
- io.anyline2.di.anylineupdater - package io.anyline2.di.anylineupdater
- io.anyline2.di.assetcontroller - package io.anyline2.di.assetcontroller
- io.anyline2.di.assetutil - package io.anyline2.di.assetutil
- io.anyline2.di.config - package io.anyline2.di.config
- io.anyline2.di.context - package io.anyline2.di.context
- io.anyline2.di.mlkit - package io.anyline2.di.mlkit
- io.anyline2.di.plugintype - package io.anyline2.di.plugintype
- io.anyline2.di.reporting - package io.anyline2.di.reporting
- io.anyline2.di.scancontroller - package io.anyline2.di.scancontroller
- io.anyline2.image - package io.anyline2.image
- io.anyline2.legacy - package io.anyline2.legacy
- io.anyline2.legacy.products - package io.anyline2.legacy.products
- io.anyline2.legacy.trainer - package io.anyline2.legacy.trainer
- io.anyline2.legacy.util - package io.anyline2.legacy.util
- io.anyline2.model - package io.anyline2.model
- io.anyline2.modules - package io.anyline2.modules
- io.anyline2.plugin - package io.anyline2.plugin
- io.anyline2.reporting - package io.anyline2.reporting
- io.anyline2.sdk - package io.anyline2.sdk
- io.anyline2.sdk.extension - package io.anyline2.sdk.extension
- io.anyline2.util - package io.anyline2.util
- io.anyline2.view - package io.anyline2.view
- io.anyline2.viewplugin - package io.anyline2.viewplugin
- io.anyline2.viewplugin.ar - package io.anyline2.viewplugin.ar
- io.anyline2.viewplugin.ar.uiFeedback - package io.anyline2.viewplugin.ar.uiFeedback
- IOWA - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.result.LicensePlateResult.Area
- IRELAND - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.LicensePlateConfig.ScanMode
- isAccessibilityDataSensitive() - function in android.view.View
- isAccessibilityFocused() - function in android.view.View
- isAccessibilityHeading() - function in android.view.View
- isActivated() - function in android.view.View
- isActive() - function in io.anyline2.legacy.trainer.AssetController
- * Returns true if the AssetController if 'SetupAssetUpdate' was called.
- isAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isAnimationCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isAttachedToWindow() - function in android.view.View
- isAutoExposureLockSupported() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures1
- isAutoExposureRegionEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraConfig
- isAutoHandwritingEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isBarcodeDetectionEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraView
- isBarcodeDetectionEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.NativeBarcodeDetector
- isBarcodeDetectionOperational() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraView
- isBarcodeDetectionOperational() - function in io.anyline2.camera.NativeBarcodeDetector
- ISBT_128 - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- isClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isContextClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isCredential() - function in android.view.View
- isDefinite() - function in io.anyline2.core.Version
- isDirty() - function in android.view.View
- isDrawingCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isDuplicateParentStateEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isEmpty() - function in io.anyline2.core.MapOfStringVectorString
- isEmpty() - function in io.anyline2.core.UnorderedMapStringString
- isEmpty() - function in io.anyline2.core.VectorOfChar
- isEmpty() - function in io.anyline2.core.VectorOfString
- isEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isExposureForBlackOnBlack() - function in io.anyline2.view.FlashView
- isFaceDetectionEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.plugin.ScanPlugin
- isFlashSupported() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- isFlashSupported() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- isFocusable() - function in android.view.View
- isFocusableInTouchMode() - function in android.view.View
- isFocused() - function in android.view.View
- isFocusedByDefault() - function in android.view.View
- isFocusModeAuto() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraConfig
- isFocusOnTouchEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraConfig
- isFocusRegionEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraConfig
- isForceDarkAllowed() - function in android.view.View
- isGreyOnly() - function in io.anyline2.model.AnylineYuvImage
- isHandwritingDelegate() - function in android.view.View
- isHapticFeedbackEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHardwareAccelerated() - function in android.view.View
- isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHovered() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForAccessibility() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForAutofill() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForContentCapture() - function in android.view.View
- isInEditMode() - function in android.view.View
- isInitialized() - function in io.anyline2.AnylineSdk
- isInitialized() - function in io.anyline2.core.LicenseCheck
- isInitialized() - function in io.anyline2.view.ScanView
- isInLayout() - function in android.view.View
- isInTouchMode() - function in android.view.View
- isKeyboardNavigationCluster() - function in android.view.View
- isLaidOut() - function in android.view.View
- isLayoutDirectionResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isLayoutRequested() - function in android.view.View
- isLayoutSuppressed() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isLicenseValid() - function in io.anyline2.core.PublicLicense
- isLongClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isMotionEventSplittingEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isNativeBarcodeDetectionEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraView
- isNativeBarcodeDetectionEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.view.ScanView
- isNestedScrollingEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isOpaque() - function in android.view.View
- isOpaque() - function in android.widget.ImageView
- isOrientationPortrait(android.content.Context) - function in io.anyline2.util.DimensUtil
- Returns true if screen orientation is Portrait
- isPaddingRelative() - function in android.view.View
- isPivotSet() - function in android.view.View
- isPreferKeepClear() - function in android.view.View
- isPrepared() - function in io.anyline2.camera.AbstractZoomHandler
- isPrepared() - function in io.anyline2.camera.SimpleZoomHandler
- isPressed() - function in android.view.View
- isProcessing() - function in io.anyline2.core.ScanController
- isRatioFromSizeDefined(io.anyline.plugin.config.CutoutConfig) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.CutoutConfigExtensionKt
- isRunning() - function in io.anyline2.plugin.ScanPlugin
- isSaveEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isSaveFromParentEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isScanPluginRunning() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ScanViewPlugin
- isScanPluginRunning() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ViewPluginBase
- isScanPluginRunning() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ViewPluginComposite
- isScreenReaderFocusable() - function in android.view.View
- isScrollbarFadingEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isScrollContainer() - function in android.view.View
- isSelected() - function in android.view.View
- isShowingLayoutBounds() - function in android.view.View
- isShown() - function in android.view.View
- ISSN_EAN - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat
- isSoundEffectsEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isStarted() - function in io.anyline2.plugin.ScanPlugin
- isStarted() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ScanViewPlugin
- isStarted() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ViewPluginBase
- isStarted() - function in io.anyline2.viewplugin.ViewPluginComposite
- isTemporarilyDetached() - function in android.view.View
- isTextAlignmentResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isTextDirectionResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isTransitionGroup() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isUndefined() - function in io.anyline2.core.Version
- isUpdateLocked() - function in io.anyline2.legacy.trainer.AssetController
- isUpdateRegionsOnAutoFocusEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraConfig
- isValid(java.lang.String) - function in io.anyline2.core.LicenseCheck
- isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isVideoStabilizationEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraConfig
- isVideoStabilizationSupported() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- isVideoStabilizationSupported() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraFeatures
- isVisibleToUserForAutofill(int) - function in android.view.View
- isZoomGestureEnabled() - function in io.anyline2.camera.CameraConfig
- Get boolean if zoom gesture is enabled
- isZoomGestureEnabled(io.anyline.plugin.config.CameraConfig) - function in io.anyline2.sdk.extension.CameraConfigExtensionKt
- ITALY - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.LicensePlateConfig.ScanMode
- iterator() - function in java.lang.Iterable
- iterator() - function in java.util.AbstractList
- ITF - enum entry in io.anyline.plugin.config.BarcodeFormat