Upgrade Guide for Anyline 43.0.0
We have completed a major update to the Anyline classes in version 43. If you were coming from a previous Anyline version, it is important to go over some of the more significant changes in this page.
Updating the JSON configuration
Here’s a direct comparison of the same JSON configuration in the old vs. new style:
Old JSON |
New JSON |
1 | camera is now called cameraConfig (see 7.) |
2 | flash is now called flashConfig (see 8.) |
3 | viewPlugin is now called viewPluginConfig (see 9.) |
4 | plugin is now called pluginConfig and does not include a plugin anymore, instead it includes the XXXconfig (in this case meterConfig ) |
5 | scanFeedback is now called scanFeedbackConfig (see 11.) |
6 | cancelOnResult is not part of the viewPlugin anymore, instead it is part of the pluginConfig (see 10.) |
👉 Have a look at the Scanning Capabilities section for more specific implementation details. 👈
Any questions? Reach out to us via [email protected] 😁👍