Scan Process

The scanning process happens entirely through the TireTreadScanView and should be performed in Landscape mode.

The TireTreadSDK allows for a variety of options on how to set up the scan process. In the following sections we will show the most convenient and quick options to get started with scanning.

Setup with JSON config

The most convenient way to configure the TireTreadScanView is via a JSON config located in your application’s asset folder. You can also use the full JSON string as an input.

The file name and the name used for the JSON config must be identical.
  • Compose

  • XML + ViewBinding

private fun Content() {
    // You can pass the tire width as an integer
    val tireWidth = 200

    TireTreadScanView(context = this@ScanActivity,
        jsonConfig = "scan_config.json", //you can also use the full JSON string as an input!
        tireWidth = tireWidth,
        onScanAborted = ::onScanAborted,
        onScanProcessCompleted = ::onScanProcessCompleted,
        callback = ::handleEvent) { measurementUUID, exception ->
            // handle possible errors

private fun handleEvent(event: ScanEvent) {
    when(event) {
        is OnScanStart -> {
            // handle onScanStart event
        // handle other events
        else -> {
            // handle previously unhandled events

private fun onScanAborted(measurementUUID: String?) {
    // handle scan aborted

private fun onScanProcessCompleted(measurementUUID: String) {
    // handle scan process completed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />


Setup with a config object

If there is a need for a more fine grained or dynamic configuration in code the scan process can be set up via a configuration class.

  • Compose

  • Xml + ViewBinding

private fun Content() {
    // You can pass the tire width as an integer
    val tireWidth = 200

    TireTreadScanView(context = this@ScanActivity,
        config = TireTreadScanViewConfig().apply {
            defaultUiConfig = DefaultUiConfig().apply {
                tireOverlayConfig = TireOverlayConfig().apply {
                    visible = true
                // ...
            measurementSystem = MeasurementSystem.Imperial
            scanSpeed = ScanSpeed.Fast
        tireWidth = tireWidth,
        onScanAborted = ::onScanAborted,
        onScanProcessCompleted = ::onScanProcessCompleted,
        callback = ::handleEvent
    ) { measurementUUID, exception ->
        // handle possible errors during scanning

private fun onScanAborted(measurementUUID: String?) {
    // handle scan aborted

private fun onScanProcessCompleted(measurementUUID: String) {
    // handle scan process completed

private fun handleEvent(event: ScanEvent) {
    when(event) {
        is OnScanStart -> {
            // handle onScanStart event
        // handle other events
        else -> {
            // handle previously unhandled events
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    binding.tireTreadScanView.apply {
        // You can pass the tire width as an integer
        val tireWidth = 200

        init(tireTreadScanViewConfig = TireTreadScanViewConfig().apply {
            defaultUiConfig = DefaultUiConfig().apply {
                tireOverlayConfig = TireOverlayConfig().apply {
                    visible = true
                // ...
            measurementSystem = MeasurementSystem.Imperial
            scanSpeed = ScanSpeed.Fast
            tireWidth = tireWidth,
            onScanAborted = ::onScanAborted,
            onScanProcessCompleted = ::onScanProcessCompleted,
            tireTreadScanViewCallback = ::handleEvent
        ) { measurementUUID, exception ->
            // handle possible errors during scanning

private fun onScanAborted(measurementUUID: String?) {
    // handle scan aborted

private fun onScanProcessCompleted(measurementUUID: String) {
    // handle scan process completed

private fun handleEvent(event: ScanEvent) {
    when(event) {
        is OnScanStart -> {
            // handle onScanStart event
        // handle other events
        else -> {
            // handle previously unhandled events

Additional Context

The AdditionalContext is an optional property which allows you to provide more context to a scan. This makes sense in a workflow, where a scan is connected to other TireTread scans or other information in a larger context. Its initialization requires a TirePosition.

The TirePosition identifies the position where the tire is mounted on the vehicle, considering the primary direction of travel. E.g. the front left tire of a passenger car would be specified as axle=1, side=TireSide.Left, position_on_axle=1 and the rear right tire of a passenger car as axle=2, side=TireSide.Right, position_on_axle=1

The TirePosition's parameters are as follows:

  • axle: Number of the axle, whereas 1 is the front axle (in direction of travel). Its value must be at least 1.

  • side: Enum, representing the side where the Tire is located (Left, Center, Right).

  • positionOnAxle: Position on the axle, whereas 1 is the outermost tire and higher values represent the following inner tires. If the side is set to center, 1 is the leftmost tire (in direction of travel), if there are multiple tires on the center axle. Its value must be at least 1.

If the AdditionalContext is provided, it will also be returned with the results in the TreadDepthResult object, in the measurement property.

TirePosition initialization will throw an IllegalArgumentException if axle or positionOnAxle are 0.

Audio Feedback

The Tire Tread SDK can provide audio feedback to guide users through the scan process.

To make use of these audio feedbacks, your application needs to provide (and thus can customize) the audio files inside its Assets folder.

The audio feedbacks (with their respective files names) on Android are played on:

  • Scan Started

    • tiretread_sound_start.wav

  • Scan Stopped

    • tiretread_sound_stop.wav

  • Phone too close to the Tire

    • tiretread_sound_beep_too_close.wav

  • Phone too distant from the Tire

    • tiretread_sound_beep_too_far.wav

The SDK only supports these file names, and the .wav extension.

An example implementation, and the example audio files, can be found in our GitHub Example implementation.

To disable the audio feedback, remove these audio files from the applications' Assets folder or rename them.

Make sure that your "ScanActivity" runs in Landscape mode.

Start Scanning

In the previous example, we are not disabling the Default UI (disableDefaultUi) in the TireTreadScanView. This means that the ScanView will draw and control all the required components for the scan process.

When using the default UI, your application only needs to implement behavior handling a few events from the SDK: OnScanAbort, OnUploadCompleted, OnUploadFailed, and OnUploadAborted. Jump to the Handling the SDK’s events section if you are using the default UI.

When not using the default UI, your application can define the UX of the entire scan process. For that, start by adding a button alongside with the TireTreadScanView. This button will be responsible for starting and stopping the scan process. Here is a Kotlin example with its functionality:

fun onClickedBtnStartScan(view: View) {
    val scannerInstance = TireTreadScanner.instance

    val btnStartScan = (view as Button)
    if (!scannerInstance.isScanning) {
        // Here we start scanning
        btnStartScan.text = "Stop"
    } else {
        btnStartScan.visibility = View.GONE
        btnStartScan.isEnabled = false
        btnStartScan.isClickable = false
        // Here we stop scanning

The TireTreadScanner.instance also provides the captureDistanceStatus property, with which your application can check if the user is positioning the device at the correct distance from the tire. This property can be used to prevent scans from initiating at an incorrect distance, e.g.:

if (TireTreadScanner.instance.captureDistanceStatus == DistanceStatus.OK)
else {
        "Move the phone to the correct position before starting.",

The scanning process can be stopped at any time. If not manually stopped, the scan process is automatically stopped after 10 seconds.

Besides the "Start/Stop" button, when not using the default UI, add also an "Abort" button (or e.g., an 'x' icon), through which the users can abort the Scan Process without waiting for the results. This button should call the TireTreadScanner.instance.abortScanning() function.

Enabling volume keys to start scanning

Optionally can override the functionality of the phone’s volume buttons to start and stop the scan by adding this function to your Activity code.

override fun dispatchKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent): Boolean {
    return when (event.keyCode) {
            if (event.action == ACTION_UP) return true

            if (TireTreadScanner.instance.isScanning) {
            } else {
                if (TireTreadScanner.instance.captureDistanceStatus == DistanceStatus.OK) TireTreadScanner.instance.startScanning()
                else {
                        "Move the phone to the correct position before starting.",

        else -> super.dispatchKeyEvent(event)

Handling the SDK’s events

The TireTreadScanView communicates back to your application via callback functions that are invoked on specific scan events. With these callback functions you can react on changes and implement your own workflow around the scan process. The events available are:

  • OnScanStarted: Invoked when the scanning process begins

  • OnScanStopped: Invoked when the scanning process ends

  • OnScanAborted: Invoked when the scanning process is aborted

    • Must be implemented also when using the default UI

  • OnScanProcessCompleted: Invoked when the scanning process is aborted

    • Must be implemented also when using the default UI

  • OnError: Invoked when the scanning process ran into an error

    • Must be implemented also when using the default UI

  • OnImageUploaded: Invoked after each frame is uploaded

  • OnDistanceChanged: Invoked whenever the distance between the device and the tire changes

    • This information serves as a guide to assist your app’s users in scanning correctly

  • OnTireWidthProvided: Invoked when the user provides a value via the TireWidthInput screen or skips the step entirely

Once your "myTireTreadScanView" object is available, add your callback implementation to it. In this example, we will use a function in our Activity as the callback function.

Listen to the ScanEvents and handle the desired events, e.g.:

class MyScanActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val myTireTreadScanView = findViewById<TireTreadScanView>(
            tireTreadScanViewConfig = TireTreadScanViewConfig(),
            onScanAborted = ::onScanAborted,
            onScanProcessCompleted = ::onScanProcessCompleted,
            tireTreadScanViewCallback = ::handleScanEvent,
        ) { measurementUUID, exception ->
            // handle error during scanning process

    private fun onScanAborted(measurementUUID: String?) {
        // handle scan aborted

    private fun onScanProcessCompleted(measurementUUID: String) {
        Log.d("MY_APP", "upload is completed!")

        // redirect to the result loading screen
        if (!uuid.isNullOrEmpty()) {

    private fun handleScanEvent(event: ScanEvent) {
        when (event) {
            is OnImageUploaded -> {
                    "onImageUploaded: ${event.uploaded}/${}"

            // When not using the "default UI", use this event to provide guidance to the users
            is OnDistanceChanged -> onDistanceChanged(event.uuid, event.previousStatus, event.newStatus, event.previousDistance, event.newDistance)

            else -> {
                Log.i(getString(R.string.app_name), event.toString())

    fun startScanning() {

    fun stopScanning() {

    fun abortScan() {

    private fun onDistanceChanged(uuid: String?, previousStatus: DistanceStatus, newStatus: DistanceStatus, previousDistance: Float, newDistance: Float, ) {
        super.onDistanceChanged(uuid, previousStatus, newStatus, previousDistance, newDistance)

        val measurementSystem = if (PreferencesUtils.shouldUseImperialSystem(this@ScanActivity)) {
        } else {

        // newDistance will be in millimeters if you choose Metric, or in inches, if you choose Imperial
        val distanceString: String = if (measurementSystem == MeasurementSystem.Imperial) {
            "$newDistance in"
        } else {
            "${(newDistance / 10).toInt()} cm"

        var message = ""
        message = when (newStatus) {
            DistanceStatus.TOO_CLOSE -> {
                "Increase Distance: "
            DistanceStatus.TOO_FAR -> {
                "Decrease Distance: "
            else -> {
                "Distance OK"
        message += distanceString
        findViewById<TextView>( = message
You can check out our GitHub example repository for a full implementation of the Scan Activity.

Check out the next section to learn how to handle the measurement results after the scan process is finished.