Initializes the scan view with a config object and a tire width and assigns it to the provided context.
the application context.
the path to a JSON file containing the config or the config itself as string representation.
the width of the tire in mm when using metric system or inch when using imperial system.
the callback for the scan view.
a callback for handling initialization failure.
Initializes the scan view with a config object and assigns it to the provided context.
the application context.
the path to a JSON file containing the config or the config itself as string representation.
the callback for the scan view.
a callback for handling initialization failure.
Initializes the scan view with a JSON config and assigns it to the provided context.
the application context.
the path to a JSON file containing the config or the config itself as string representation.
the callback for the scan view.
a callback for handling initialization failure.
Initializes the scan view with a JSON config and a tire width and assigns it to the provided context.
the application context.
the path to a JSON file containing the config or the config itself as string representation.
the width of the tire in mm when using metric system or inch when using imperial system.
the callback for the scan view.
a callback for handling initialization failure.