

Preset Config

// init the Anyline SDK with a preset config
anyline = window.anylinejs.init({
    preset: 'container',
    license: demoLicense,
    element: root,
    anylinePath: '../anylinejs',

Example Config

config: {
  module: 'ocr',
  containerConfig: {
      scanMode: 'HORIZONTAL',

Config Parameters

  • scanMode


This scans ISO 6346 shipping container numbers in horizontal alignment.

  • scanMode


This scans ISO 6346 shipping container numbers in vertical alignment.

  • validationRegex

    We internally check if the scan result conforms to the ISO 6346 shipping container number specifications, but if you would like to use your custom check you can set here a regex. An alphanumeric string that has to conform to ECMAScript regex.

  • charWhitelist

    We internally set the character whitelist according to ISO 6346 shipping container number specifications, but if needed you can customize it here as an alphanumeric string.

  • minConfidence

    Results with lower confidence than minConfidence get rejected automatically. This value is a number between 0 and 100. The default is 60.