All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[43.0.0] - 2023-02-03
Breaking Changes
This release introduces fundamental changes & improvements to how the Anyline SDK works. To upgrade from a prior SDK version to version 43.0.0, check out the migration guide. |
Document Scanner Support Dropped
As of Anyline v43, the Document Scanner plugin has been removed and the feature will no longer be supported. |
for describing result data-
Added a type of plugin result for each scanning capability
[Tire] Added tire size specification fields to the result
[Barcode] Added AAMVA parsing for PDF417 codes on driving licenses
[ID] Restructured ID results in a way that every field can contain date- & multi-language information
Changed the SDK architecture from one using inheritance & generics to a composition-based approach
Instead of distinctive subclasses such as
, etc. the SDK offers anScanViewPlugin
class regardless of the scanning use case
Changed the structure of how scanning use-cases are constructed through JSON
Introduced configuration types for every scanning use-case with a corresponding result type