Advanced Topics

This section covers additional topics regarding the Anyline Flutter Plugin. You will not require knowledge about these advanced topics in your everyday use of the SDK. However, in case you need specific information about certain topics in the Anyline SDK, it will be covered here.

UI Configuration

The Anyline Flutter plugin offers you a way to optionally introduce some basic UI controls to your scan view, which can improve scanning experience.

The following controls are available: OK Button, Segment Control, and Label. To add these controls to your scan view, you can define an options node in your JSON config that contains instructions on how they look. As an example:

Configuring a "Done" button and a scanMode segment control
    "options": {
        "doneButtonConfig": {
            "offset.y": -88
        "defaultOrientation": "landscape",
        "rotateButton": {
            "alignment": "top_left",
            "offset": {
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0
        "segmentConfig": {
            "titles": ["Universal", "DOT"],
            "viewConfigs": ["TINConfig.json", "TINDOTConfig.json"],
            "offset.y": -24
    "viewPluginConfig": {
        "pluginConfig": {
            "id": "TIRE",
            "cancelOnResult": true,
            "tinConfig": {
                "scanMode": "UNIVERSAL"

OK Button (iOS-only)

The OK button is a button that dismisses the scan view screen when pressed. The button is present even when not explicitly included in the configuration. However, you can modify its appearance further by specifying a few properties (i.e. doneButtonConfig) in your config:

Key Value


The text displayed for the button


A hex string denoting the color of the button title


A hex string denoting the color used by the button title when pressed


Size of the button title


Name of the font (note: the font must be available for the device)


Should be "LEFT", "RIGHT", or "CENTER" (the default), defining preset locations for the button along the x-axis.


Should be "TOP", "CENTER", or "BOTTOM" (the default), defining preset locations for the button along the y-axis.


A hex string indicating the color of the button background. The default is empty (clear color).


Indicate whether the button should fill the width of the screen ("FULLWIDTH"), or simply fit the button text ("RECT", the default)


Float indicating the corner rounding of the OK button. Default 0.


Float value further adjusting the (x-)position of the button


Float value further adjusting the (y-)position of the button

Default Orientation (Android-only)

You can specify the default orientation that the scan screen should have when entering the screen. During the scan process you can only change the orientation, if you also added the Rotate Button to the JSON config.

Key Value


The orientation of the screen, either portrait or landscape

If this attribute is not present, the orientation portrait will be used by default

Rotate Button (Android-only)

The rotate button allows you to switch the orientation of the scan screen from portrait to landscape and vice versa.

Key Element Value



Positioning of the button on the scan screen (one of top_right, top_left, bottom_right, or bottom_left).



Integer value further adjusting the (x-)position of the rotate button



Integer value further adjusting the (y-)position of the rotate button

Segment Control (iOS and Android)

You can add a segment control that allows you to easily switch between different view config files by adding a segmentConfig node to options.

If it appears, the segment control will by default be located at the bottom of the scan view, and centered horizontally within it.

The control is only added if the config meets the following requirements:

  1. the JSON option configuration has a properly-defined segmentConfig node,

  2. the titles strings array match the viewConfigs array in length.

  3. in case the viewConfig json files are not located in the root of the assets folder, it is necessary to specify the location of the files after initialising the SDK:


Please check Plugin Configuration Parameters for more information.

Key Value


an array of JSON files located on the assets folder


an array of user-visible strings corresponding to the modes list


a color, denoted by a hex string, applied to the segment control (supported on iOS only on v13.0 or later)


Float value further adjusting the (x-)position of the segment control


Float value further adjusting the (y-)position of the segment control

Label (iOS only)

Finally, a static text label can be added to the scan view (useful when positioned next to the scan cutout, as a guide). Configure it with the labelConfig node.

The label is only shown when configured. By default, if it is displayed, it appears directly above the cutout box in the scan view.
Key Value


the text to display


a hex string denoting the color the label is to be displayed in


the font size of the label


Float value further adjusting the (x-)position of the label


Float value further adjusting the (y-)position of the label

NFC Passport Reading Support for iOS

For now, our NFC scanning functionality is only currently available for iOS (Android support will be added in the future). In addition, a minimum version of iOS 13 is required.

If you would like to use the MRZ+NFC use case, make sure to configure an MRZ plugin and set the enableNFCWithMRZ option flag to true, as follows:

Add this to your config JSON to scan MRZ+NFC
"options": {
    "enableNFCWithMRZ": true,
"viewPluginConfig": {
    "pluginConfig": {
        "id": "ID_NFC",
        "mrzConfig": {
            "strictMode": false,
            // ... add other mrzConfig parameters here
    // add your cutout and feedback config here

Besides the scan plugin config, you also have to add the following items to your app project’s info.plist file (these are required in order to tell the OS that the app can be allowed to access NFC functionality):

Key Value

Privacy - NFC Scan Usage Description

A non-empty string describing how the app is using NFC, to be presented to the user as a prompt (eg. "Please allow NFC access to read passports")

ISO7816 application identifiers for NFC Tag Reader Session

The list should include the string A0000002471001

Finally, the "Near Field Communication Tag Reading" capability must also be added in the Xcode project’s Signing & Capabilities tab. The corresponding .entitlements file should look like as follows:

The .entitlements file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

NFC Result

Passport details from the NFC scan will be included as part of the scan results returned in JSON, into the dataGroup1 node, the value of which is another JSON string consisting of the passport fields, and an sod group, which can contain any additional passport metadata found.

Native barcode support

Native barcode detection can be enabled to run alongside an Anyline plugin, using the underlying platform’s barcode detection library. When a supported barcode is found, it will be returned alongside the Anyline plugin results.

A use case might be a Meter plugin that is configured to also look for common barcode formats associated with meter devices.

To enable native barcode support, add a nativeBarcodeScanningFormats property to your config’s option node and list down the barcode formats that you would like to scan. Possible barcode format strings can found from the list of constants here.

Take note that simply because a constant exists for a barcode format in that list doesn’t imply that the device necessarily supports it. Commonly-supported types include: CODE_128, CODE_39, QR_CODE, AZTEC, DATA_MATRIX, PDF_417, UPC_E, CODABAR, EAN_13, EAN_8, and MICRO_QR.
Configuration JSON with native barcode formats specified
    "options": {
        "nativeBarcodeScanningFormats": [ "AZTEC", "PDF417", "QRCODE" ],
    "viewPluginConfig": {

When the scan results are returned, the JSON string will include the node nativeBarcodesDetected:

An example result JSON with native barcodes detected
    "meterResult": ...,
    "nativeBarcodesDetected": {
            { "result": 480223447, "barcodeType": org.iso.Aztec }

At the moment, native barcode scanning has a number of limitations:

  • You can only add native barcode scanning as part of an Anyline plugin configuration. Any native barcodes detected will be shown only when the main Anyline plugin has returned a result.

  • There is no feedback to let the user know that a barcode has been detected in this way.

  • Only the last native barcode result detected will be reported in the result screen.

  • As previously mentioned, some barcode formats may not be supported by the mobile platform running it.

  • The results are provided on a "best-effort" basis. Anyline does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of the results returned from native barcode detection.

If the limitations make it hard to implement your use case, consider using the Anyline Barcode plugin, and potentially in a parallel composite setup together with another plugin.

Reducing SDK size

With the Anyline SDK integrated into your app, it is still possible to cut down on the total installable app size by identifying your Anyline use case, and using this to further optimize the app bundle delivered to users. An Anyline SDK bundle comes trained models for all supported use cases, a number of which your application may not require, and hence could be excluded from your build process.

These are the modules you will need for each technical capability:

Technical capability Module













Universal ID


Japanese Landing Permission


License Plate




Commercial Tire ID


Tire Size


The steps you will need to take to accomplish this will be specific to each of the iOS and Android platforms. In case you are targeting both platforms, follow both the steps in iOS and Android as explicitly described in the following sections.

For iOS

By including a run script to the build phase of your application target such as the following, you can deliver a much-reduced overall app bundle size for your users. Depending on the use case you are targeting, the savings may be significant.

Add a Run Script build phase to your application’s target in your iOS .xcodeproj file with the following contents:

Run script to remove unneeded assets in the SDK
# --Available Modules--


# Identify any of the SDK modules from the list above that the app requires
# for example, ID and Meter, and set the MODULES_TO_KEEP_ARRAY accordingly:

echo "Modules to include: ${MODULES_TO_KEEP_ARRAY[@]}"

echo "Modules dir path: ${MODULES_DIR_PATH}"

if ((${#MODULES_TO_KEEP_ARRAY[@]})); then
    for module in "${MODULES_ARRAY[@]}"; do
        if [[ ! "${MODULES_TO_KEEP_ARRAY[*]}" =~ "${module}" ]]; then
            echo "Removing module ${module}"
            rm -rf "${MODULES_DIR_PATH}/${module}"

Define the MODULES_TO_KEEP_ARRAY variable accordingly for your use case. For example, if you know that your application will only make use of the license plate and barcode plugins, put down: MODULES_TO_KEEP_ARRAY=(${DIR_BARCODE} ${DIR_LICENSE_PLATE}).

Ensure that this run script is the last Build Phase to be executed, and in particular, it must come after "[CP] Copy Pods Resources" (when present).
Regenerating the .xcworkspace file may result in this run script being removed. When doing so, re-add the run script, or consider a Cocoapods post-install hook to persist it in the project file.


For a guide on how to reduce the application size on Android please follow Reduce SDK Size.

Custom Scripts for OCR

The Anyline OCR scanner can be used with custom model files. These model files are specifically designed and provided to customers to enable the scanning of objects that the standard OCR package does not offer. One example would be a custom-built model file that recognizes a domain-specific serial number format.

Custom script files use the .ale extension, and custom model files have the .any extension.

Add the script and model files to the Flutter project

Start by copying the provided .ale (and .any) files of the custom script package to a directory in your Flutter project, typically assets.

custom scripts

To make them available to the Flutter application, provide explicit paths to the script and model files in your application’s pubspec.yaml:

    - assets/custom_scripts/custom_script.ale
    - assets/custom_scripts/trained_models/model_1.any

JSON Configuration

Now, in order for your OCR plugin to use this custom script package, reference the name of the .ale file in the customCmdFile (and models, if also included) property of the ocrConfig:

"viewPluginConfig": {
  "pluginConfig": {
    "id": "custom_serial_number",
    "ocrConfig": {
      "customCmdFile": "custom_script.ale"
      "models": [ "model_1.any" ]

On Android, in case the custom script files are not located in the root of the assets folder, it is necessary to specify the location of the files before initialising the SDK:

Get help

If there is anything you are missing, you require support, or want to provide us with feedback, please reach out to us via, where you either may find helpful information in our Knowledge Base or you can open a Support Ticket for more specific inquiries.

In order to better assist you, please include any code of your Anyline integration and any ScanViewConfig you are using.