Prerequisites to work with the Tire Tread SDK
Unzip ( or clone the project
Open the project in your IDE (for Example Android Studio) and select "Trust Project"
Add the "lombok" plugin to your environment, for example the IDE Android studio
De-install the Anyline Tire Tread ShowCase App from your Device
Lombook plugin installation for your IDE
Lombook adds "Get" and "Set" class methods for parameters is not longer necessary.
Download the plugin ( - Dolphin 2021.3.1 Canary 9+, Electric Eel 2022.1.1 Canary 1+)
Open android studio → preferences → plugins → gear wheel → install plugin from disk → select
Be sure lombok is installed and activated
Basic configuration and relevant settings in the Gradle files
Here are the minimum Android versions for the SDK and the APP. Please use this setting in all Gradle files:
minSdk 28
targetSdk 33
Adding the Tire Tread SDK to the project
Copy the SDK file (sdk-release.aar) to the libs folder (anyline-ttd-android-example-app\libs)
Check setting TireDemoApp_v4.0.7\app\build.gradle it should be implementation(name:'sdk-release', ext:'aar')
Add the following two lines to your build.gradle file
implementation(name:'sdk-release', ext:'aar') implementation('com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:4.10.0')