Quick Start Guide

To use the Anyline Mobile SDK or Plugins, follow these steps:

  1. Understand the Concepts: Explore the other Guides inside "Mobile SDK Fundamentals" to familiarize yourself with the key concepts of the Mobile SDK to prepare for integrating it into your app.

  2. Choose Your Technology: Determine whether you need the platform-native Mobile SDK or a cross-platform Plugin.

  3. Obtain a License: Acquire a license to use with the Developer Examples code (available on GitHub).

  4. Explore the Developer Examples: Run the Developer Example App(s) for your chosen platform and technology.

  5. Start with ScanViewConfigs: When implementing your own use case, begin with one of the ScanViewConfigs in the Developer Examples.

  6. Consult the Documentation: Refer to the documentation to understand which parameters you can modify.

  7. Integrate the Mobile SDK: Incorporate the Mobile SDK (directly or using a Plugin) into your app.

Get help

If there is anything you are missing, you require support, or want to provide us with feedback, please reach out to us via https://support.anyline.com, where you either may find helpful information in our Knowledge Base or you can open a Support Ticket for more specific inquiries.

In order to better assist you, please include any code of your Anyline integration and any ScanViewConfig you are using.