
Xamarin End of Life Announcement

Anyline has been a longstanding provider of the Mobile SDK for Xamarin, catering to developers' needs for several years. As of autumn 2022, we have seamlessly transitioned our support to encompass the SDK for .NET (MAUI), recognized as the official successor to Xamarin.

In alignment with Microsoft’s recommendation to migrate from Xamarin to .NET, and considering Microsoft’s cessation of support for Xamarin by May 2024, Anyline will discontinue the release of any additional updates, including new features or bug fixes, for Anyline Mobile SDK for Xamarin.

Please find the Anyline Mobile SDK for .NET here.

The Anyline Xamarin.iOS SDK provides the functionality of our Native iOS SDK in C# to make the iOS integration in Xamarin as easy as possible.

Essentially, the Anyline Xamarin.iOS SDK is a Binding Library that wraps around the native Anyline SDK for iOS, so that all native Objective-C code can be easily invoked via C# calls.

If you want to gain a deeper understanding on how this works, or if you plan on porting a native Objective-C library to C#, the official Xamarin website offers a guide on how to bind an Objective-C library.

By the end of the following section, you will have a Xamarin.iOS project with Anyline integrated, and basic configuration to start scanning right away.