Getting Started

UCR Investigation

What is UCR Investigation?

UCR Investigation is one of the 3 Dashboards included in Meter Analytics & Forensics, and provides insights from accumulated Meter Scan Data, specifically derived from Anyline’s Meter Modules:

  • Meter

  • Meter Serial Number

  • Barcode

The UCR Investigation Dashboard is a useful tool to either further investigate cases of User Corrected Results (UCRs) for any suspicious activity and potential fraud, or ascertain if your workforce needs further training on scanning best practices.

The Meter Scan Data is visually represented on a variety of Panels, including some Panels seen in other Dashboards, while also having others designed exclusively for UCR Investigation.

Understanding UCR Investigation

Here, we will show you how easy it is to access and navigate your collected Meter Scan Data using the Anyline Insights UCR Investigation Dashboard.

The content below covers each feature of UCR Investigation. A Tutorial Video shall be released soon.


UCR Investigation has its own unique set of Filters and Panels along with some other Filters and Panels found on other Dashboards. The Data on this Dashboard’s Panels will vary based on the Filters you select.

The UCR Investigation Dashboard is only available for customers using the Advanced Meter SDK or Mobile SDK. UCR needs to be enabled as part of the workflow.
As the Business Event Tracking Parameters (e.g., Worker ID, Region ID, Consumer Number, Installation Number, Transaction ID, or a combination of these) displayed on this Dashboard are purely for demonstrative purposes to give you an idea of how your Dashboards can be configured, the actual combination of Filters and Panels present on your Dashboard may differ based on the Business Event Tracking Parameters provided.

If you wish to enable these Filters and Panels please be sure to provide these Parameters, so they can be added to the Dashboard. Please reach out to your CSM for guidance on how to provide these Parameters.

For more information on Business Event Tracking Parameters, please go to the Meter Analytics & Forensics Home Page.

UCR Investigation Data Filter

The Filter Section of every Anyline Insights Dashboard contains both a Time/Date Range Filter and Data Filter.

The Time/Date Range Filter contains the same features and options on every Dashboard from each Module and is mentioned on the Modules Home Page.

The Data Filter in UCR Investigation has 9 options to choose from and filter your Meter Scan Data on the Dashboard. Here are the 9 Filters available on UCR Investigation.


A list of Unique IDs referring to the Installation Number (an optional Business Event Tracking Parameter).


A list of the Manufacturers of the Mobile Device(s) using the application.

UCR Deviation % Range

A option to toggle 4 different Percentage Ranges for the Potential UCR Deviation. The selection of Ranges are either any percentage of potential fraud, less than 10%, between 10% and 50%, or more than 50%. These Ranges show the Percentage Difference between the Scanned Result and the Corrected Result.

Region ID(****)

Shows the Unique ID given to each Region where a Spoofed Image has been scanned.

Consumer Number(****)

Refers to the Unique Identifier assigned to each consumer who is associated with the Meter being scanned.

Transaction ID(****)

A Unique ID captured and printed on a single Scanned Meter Image, which also contains the Consumer Number, Worker ID and Region ID.

Device Model

Displays a breakdown of the Device Models used to scan.

Result Confidence

A option to toggle 4 different Result Confidence Ranges for the Potential UCR Deviation. The selection of Ranges are either less than 50%, between 50% and 90%, more than 90%, or more than 98%. These Ranges show the Confidence Level of the Scanned Result.

Worker ID(****)

Shows a list of the unique IDs of each Worker who has scanned a Spoofed Image.

All Filters marked with (****) are Business Event Tracking Parameters.
An image of the UCR Investigation Data Filter from the Meter Analytics & Statistics Module on Anyline Insights
UCR Investigation Data Filter

UCR Investigation Panel Filters

The Panel Filters in UCR Investigation are included in 1 Panel: The "Scan Details" Panel.

Each Panel Filter is located near the title of each column within these Panels and Filters by values given in each column.

An image of the Panel Filters from the Meter Analytics & Statistics Module on Anyline Insights
UCR Investigation Panel Filter Icons
When hovering over each column title, the 'Toggle SortBy' option is displayed. Clicking on it will sort the information in the selected column in either ascending or descending order.

"Scan Details" Panel Filters

Here are the Filters included in the "Scan Details" Panel.

Consumer Number(****)

Refers to the Unique Identifier assigned to each consumer who is associated with the Meter being scanned.

Region ID(****)

Shows the Unique Identifier given to each Region where a Meter Image has been scanned.

Worker ID(****)

Shows the Unique Identifier of each Worker who has scanned a Meter Image.

Installation Number(****)

Shows the Unique Identifier of each Worker who has scanned a Meter Image.

Scan Meter Value

Displays the Meter Value from each Scanned Meter Image.

Corrected Meter Value

Displays the Corrected Meter Value from each Scanned Meter Image.

UCR Deviation in %

Shows the Percentage Difference between the Scanned Result and the Corrected Result.

Scan Result Confidence %

Shows the Confidence Level of the Scanned Result.

Scanned Meter Unit

Displays the Meter Measurement Unit from each Scanned Meter Image.

Corrected Meter Unit

Displays the Corrected Measurement Unit from each Scanned Meter Image.

Scan Preview

Displays a Preview of the Scanned Image within the Panel.

All Filters marked with (****) are Business Event Tracking Parameters.
Click on the Preview of the Scanned Image in "Scan Preview" to open the Image in a new tab.
An image of the Panel Filters on the "Scan Details" Panel
Panel Filters for "Scan Details"

Main Body (Panels and what they mean)

UCR Investigation contains 2 different Sections, each composed of their own Panels.

By default, all metrics displayed in the below Panels are calculated for the last 24 hours. Please apply your desired changes within the Time/Date Range Filter to update these metrics within these Panels.
  • UCR Overview

  • Images

Information about each Panel in "UCR Overview".

An image of the "UCR Overview" Panels in the "UCR Investigation" Dashboard
UCR Overview
1. ReadMe:

Provides a brief description of what the UCR Investigation Dashboard entails.

3. High Deviance UCRs vs All Other UCRs:

Displays a breakdown of the percentage of the cases of High Deviance UCRs and all other UCRs.

5. Top 100 Workers with UCR:

Displays the Top 100 Worker IDs who are suspected of performing Meter Fraud and the respective number of Potentially Fraudulent UCRs made.

2. # User Corrections:

Displays the total number of instances where the Scanned Meter Results was manually changed.

4. High Deviance UCRs Over Time:

Provides a progression of the number of High Deviance UCRs over the Set Time/Date Range.

6. Scan Details(***):

Provides a list of all Scanned Meter Results and its respective Corrected Meter Result, Percentage Deviation from the Scanned Result, Scanned Meter Unit, Corrected Meter Unit, Region ID, Worker ID, Scan Result Confidence and Consumer Number.

All Panels marked with (***) require Business Event Tracking Parameters (e.g., Worker ID, Region ID, Consumer Number, or a combination of these) to be provided.

Information about the "Images with Metadata" Panel in "Images".

An image of the "Images" Panels in the "UCR Investigation" Dashboard
1. Images with Metadata:

Displays the Top 100 Images with Metadata for Meter Value Scans.

The Image Cards require both Worker ID and Consumer Number to display the "Worker ID" and "Consumer No" values on the Image Card. If either of these is not provided, the Image Card will still be available, but the missing "Worker ID" or "Consumer No" will simply return an empty result.